Robot Bangla

robot bangla

People with disabilities often face a wide range of barriers in their daily lives. One area in which these barriers can be particularly pronounced is in education, particularly for blind children learning to read. The task of learning the alphabet is complex and can be made even more challenging by the medium through which the skill is acquired.

Fortunately, advances in artificial intelligence and computing technology are helping to lower many of these barriers. By using technology to assist with tasks such as reading and writing documents, communicating with others, and searching for information on the Internet, students and employees with disabilities can become more independent and handle a wider range of activities.

Robot Bangla is committed to helping people with disabilities overcome the barriers they face in their daily lives. We have developed a range of technologies to assist with tasks such as reading and writing, communication, and accessing information online. These technologies are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for people with disabilities to use them to their full potential.

Robot Bangla is at the forefront of these efforts, having developed a range of technologies to assist people with disabilities in their education and daily lives. These technologies include Braille Learning Software, a Refreshable Digital Braille Display, Multilingual Digital Braille, a Multimedia Talking Book, a Daisy Player, and a Smart Cane. By providing these tools, Robot Bangla is helping to break down barriers and enable people with disabilities to achieve their full potential.

One of the key technologies we have developed is Braille Learning Software. This software is specifically designed to help blind children learn to read Braille, providing a fun and interactive learning environment that makes the process of learning the alphabet enjoyable and rewarding. Our Refreshable Digital Braille Display is another important tool, providing a convenient way for people with vision impairments to access text and other written materials.

In addition to these technologies, we have also developed a Multilingual Digital Braille system, which allows people with disabilities to access written materials in multiple languages. Our Multimedia Talking Book is another important tool, providing audio versions of written materials that can be accessed via a simple user interface. Finally, our Daisy Player and Smart Cane are designed to assist with navigation and mobility, helping people with disabilities to navigate their environment with greater ease and independence.

Overall, Robot Bangla’s technologies are designed to help people with disabilities overcome the barriers they face in their daily lives, enabling them to achieve their full potential. We are committed to continuing to develop innovative solutions to help people with disabilities live more independent and fulfilling lives.

Research and Development (R&D)

Wearable Gait Monitoring System

Robot Bangla has developed a wearable insole system for gait...

Movement Analysis System

Robot Bangla provides a comprehensive movement analysis system...


Wireless Audio Communication System

Robot Bangla's wireless audio communication system is a...


Sitting Posture Monitoring

Robot Bangla's Smart-Cover is a cost-effective and portable automatic sitting...


Remote Health Monitoring

Robot Bangla's Remote Health Monitoring system is a portable device that...

Smart IoT Catheter System

Robot Bangla's Smart Catheter System is a valuable tool for healthcare providers...

Self-learning Digital Braille

The Self-learning Digital Braille device developed by Robot Bangla is a valuable...

Refreshable Digital Braille Display

The Robot Bangla’s Refreshable Digital Braille Display is a device designed...

Mobile App for Hearing-impaired users

The Robot Bangla Mobile App for Hearing-impaired users is a smartphone-based...

Learning Math with Fun Tool

The Robot Bangla Math Tool is an innovative way to help students...